kama pona

jan ale o, kama pona!




lesson one: sounds

toki pona has 14 letters, 9 consonants and 5 vowels.


letter sound
k kill
l let
m met
n net
p pit
s sit
t tool
w wet
j yet

Notice that j is not prononuced like the letter J in english, but rather the letter Y.


letter sound
a father
e pet
i deal
o more
u poo

That’s all the sounds in toki pona! writing them is very simple: you never use capital letters, with one exception: writing unofficial words.

unofficial words

Sometimes, people loan words into toki pona, primarily names. These words are always capitalised when you write them.

for example,

mi tan ma Mesiko


i am from Mexico

Notice how Mesiko is capitalised: this is because it’s not a word found in toki pona dictionaries, but rather a word from another language.